Born in a decade that starts with an F, Ann now finds herself in an age decade beginning with the same dreaded letter. Her plan had always been to accept aging with the same effortless grace as any movie star with the last name of Hepburn, but now that her forehead is sliding down around her nose, and her neck attracts every rooster in the yard, she’s given up on grace and put her faith in a good moisturizer and turtle neck sweaters.
Ann has a B.A. in theatre and went to graduate school at the U. of M. in the M.F.A. acting program. She freelances as an actor and director in the twin cities area and has played everything from Eleanor of Aquitaine, to the third extra on the right with the gap in her front teeth.
Taking the advice from her father to heart, she never quit her day job. She works at a messenger service where the motto is: If you got it, a courier brought it. Her years in the business world have taught her a few valuable life lessons: When designing a floor plan, never put your own office across from the bathrooms. All it has to do is snow to turn a great day to shit. It’s impossible to pick up a monkey at the airport, look him in the eye, and then deliver him to a testing lab. And transporting caskets, even when they’re empty, is just plain scary.